
Varun Kumar Kadambala

B.E(Hons.) Electronics and Instrumentation

BITS Pilani K.K.Birla Goa Campus


+91 7057702237


Data Structures and Algorithms

Cloud Computing (AWS)

Machine Learning

Full Stack Web Development

Programming Languages



MEAN Stack

Work Experience

Platform Engineer / Quantiphi Analytics Solutions, Mumbai
July 2018 - Current

Project 1: Server-less Video Streaming Application

  • Successfully architected and developed a server-less video streaming application using AWS cloud native services launched in a private VPC
  • Hosted the user interface using S3 static web hosting
  • Used AWS Cognito for user pool authentication and restricted the access to different resources using AWS IAM
  • Used S3 as a primary storage for the videos and DynamoDB for other data storage
  • Developed all the required APIs interactions between frontend and the backend, and the interaction between different resources using AWS Lambda and API Gateway services
  • Designed a cloudformation template to automate the orchestration of the entire platform
Project 2: Hashicorp Vault POC
  • Developed a POC to implement Hashicorp Vault server on AWS cloud with the following features
  • Deployment of all the servers with High Availability mode across multiple availability zones
  • Used Consul as a storage backed for High Availability and local file system for single node to achieve data persistence
  • Automated the process of sealing and unsealing for a single node server using EC2 user-data
  • Automated the process of populating secrets and setting up various authentication engines
  • Automated the entire process of launching all the required infrastructure using Hashicorp Terraform
Other Miscellaneous Tasks:
  • Worked on various POCs to launch different AWS resources using Hashicorp Terraform including the following
  • Deployment of EC2 instances in public and private subnets of a custom VPC with restricted access.
  • Deployment of RDS instances within a custom VPC using subnet groups
  • Had some exposure on HDP administration and launch configurations for the platform

Software Developer Intern / UST Global Trivandrum
Jan 2018 - June 2018

Project 1:
  • Worked on developing a full-stack enterprise web application for an internal project using Angular 5, Node.js, Express.js and MySQL
  • Developed API’s for interacting with the database and other third party applications using Node.js
  • Developed a UI using angular 5, including features like inter-component routing and http requests
Other projects and achievements:
  • Successfully managed to get acquainted with ICE-XD, an in-house built platform for developing intelligent conversation assistant in a very short span, and recognised as one of early members to have done so
  • Developed many chatbots using the platform for various clients , during the course of the internship
  • Suggested various suggestions on improving the platform and received appreciation for the same
  • Conducted training sessions for developers over different teams on how to use the platform

Research Intern / Helpage India, Cochin
May 2016 - July 2016

  • Conducted research studies on corporate social responsibilities and major factors effecting elder abuse
  • Successfully published two research papers based on the above mentioned studies while working here
  • Prepared and submitted a recommendation report suggestion further initiatives to the organisation

Education and Certifications

BITS Pilani K.K.Birla Goa Campus
2014 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Amazon Web Services
Nov 2018 - Nov 2020 | Validation No: GEGCYW32C2R11CWQ

AWS Certified Developer - Associate

Jan 2018 | License 9D62EWEP8XXR

Machine Learning Course by Stanford University

Nettech Private Limited
Oct 2014 | License NPL/15/05S/053

Certificate in Network Management


Machine Learning in Genetics and Genomics
Dec 2017 - Present

Research oriented project under the guidance of Dr. Raviprasad Aduri, Department of Biological Sciences,BITS Pilani Goa Campus. The project is aimed at using state of art machine learning techniques in identify genome sequencing and indentifying cis-regulatory elements

Python - Image Recognition
Dec 2017

A python script for Image Recognition using pattern recognition. The script is configured to recognise numerical digits from a given image.


Interactive Dictionary
May 2017

A CLI interactive dictionary appilcation using python
